PracTrac, CSNTrac from Ray of Light Software
- PracTrac 5.3 User Guide
- New! CSNTrac iOS/Apple Version
- New! CSNTrac Android Version
- New! CSNTrac Web Version
- CSNTrac Tutorial Powerpoint
"I love this app. Whether it's making patient lists, billing or payments, it's all done easily and quickly and then saved for future reference. The first month I used it, it cut my billing time by over 50%. It also makes it easy to use email billing which saves time and money." --Christian Science Practitioner
"As a Christian Science practitioner, and having beta-tested and used this wonderful app, I think this will be of great use to any Christian Science practitioner with an iPhone. The highlights for me: 1) It saves me half the time I used to take creating and emailing invoices. 2) It tracks with ease daily notes, treatments, and patients. 3) Keeps everything completely confidential and ALL my work goes where I go." --Christian Science Practitioner